Our people

We are passionate about improving public confidence in policing by ensuring the police are accountable for their actions and lessons are learnt.
Our work is challenging and high-profile, and so our people are from all sectors of society, and have a wide range of skills. Focusing on the facts, we are balanced, fair and entirely independent. We are not the police, in fact less than 20 per cent of our staff have previously worked for the police.
Our leadership team
Our Director General leads the executive team and chairs our Unitary Board, which includes five non-executive directors. Read more about the role of Unitary Board in our governance section.
By law, the Director General can never have worked for the police. None of our executive team or directors have previously worked for any of the police forces or organisations under our jurisdiction.
To find out our directors expenses, gifts and hospitality and register of interests, visit our approach to transparency page.
IOPC people
Our Values
We respect the rights of all individuals, while getting to the heart of some of the most serious and sensitive cases. Most of all, we strive to gain and retain the confidence of everyone we meet by treating them with respect, integrity and honesty.
We feel privileged to be the custodians of the police complaints system. We value the trust of the public and police and commit to being just and fair in uncovering the truth. We recognise that a just outcome relies on being unbiased and transparent in getting to the truth of what happened.
We have an inclusive culture. We are fair and impartial in our treatment of all individuals. We work across boundaries, both internal and external, collaborating and building strong relationships.
We believe everyone should be a leader and play a part in shaping the direction of the organisation. We provide a supportive and challenging environment where people can thrive and reach their potential. We trust our people to do the right things. We encourage calculated risk taking and evidence-based decision making. Where genuine mistakes are made, we will support people and identify opportunities for learning and improvement. We ensure that people can make complaints without experiencing unfair treatment.
Our work requires us to be bold, resilient and committed to making a difference to the public. We take our duties as public servants to heart and our dedication is reflected in our work. We meet the challenges with perseverance to attain individual and organisational goals.
The value of our work is not defined solely by volume, but by the impact our work has on policing and public confidence. We define quality by how well our work meets the service user needs. We will focus our efforts on areas that will make a difference to our communities.