We are the Independent Office for Police Conduct

We are the police complaints watchdog for England and Wales. We are not the police - we are completely independent of them. We investigate the most serious complaints and conduct matters involving the police, and we set the standards by which the police should handle complaints.
About us
Our vision is that everyone is able to have trust and confidence in the police

We are entirely independent of the police

What we do
Black couple reading from a sheet of paper

Find out how to submit a review or appeal

Reviews and appeals


Each year we carry out hundreds of investigations into the most serious and sensitive incidents and allegations involving the police.

Key areas of work

Our work cuts across a number of key areas and themes. We use learning from our work to promote high standards of professionalism and accountability in policing.

Working for us

Join us and you’ll be involved in some of the most challenging and rewarding work you’ve ever encountered.