Road accident after a pursuit - Greater Manchester Police, June 2018

Published 03 Apr 2019

On 10 June 2018, a Greater Manchester Police officer was patrolling along Altrincham Road in a police vehicle when their attention was drawn to a black car that appeared to be in poor condition, driving erratically in excess of the speed limit. The officer attempted to catch up with the car, but it made off at high speed on to the M56. The officer activated their vehicle emergency equipment and engaged in a short pursuit with the vehicle.

As the pursued car attempted to leave the motorway, the driver lost control of the car, causing it to flip onto its roof. The driver of the vehicle managed to crawl out of the wreckage. However, the passenger needed the assistance of the fire brigade, and was subsequently treated for injuries, including a broken ankle and fractured collar bone.

During the investigation our investigators obtained a witness statement from the officer involved in the pursuit. There were no further witnesses.

Investigators also analysed body-worn video footage from the scene of the collision, scene photographs, and vehicle data downloads, along with the relevant radio transmissions and police incident logs.

Based on the evidence available we found no indication that any person serving with the police may have behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings, or had committed a criminal offence. We completed our investigation in September 2018.

IOPC reference
