Man dies following contact with police - West Midlands Police, January 2018

Published 11 Jul 2018

A man attended a voluntary interview at a West Midlands Police (WMP) station on 25 September 2017. Following the voluntary interview, WMP made further enquiries. Once completed, the case was referred to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). WMP officers had telephone contact with the man. He told them that he was concerned about the progress of the investigation, and that his mental health had deteriorated, and he was feeling suicidal. The man was advised to see his doctor.

On 30 December 2017 WMP received a charging decision from the CPS and contacted the man to ask him to attend a police station. The man died on 5 January 2018. The post-mortem noted that the man’s cause of death was not a natural one.

During the investigation, our investigators obtained and reviewed witness statements, listened to a recording of the voluntary interview and reviewed investigation documentation.

We found no evidence to suggest that the police caused or contributed to the man’s death. Although he had raised concerns about his mental health, the man had also informed officers that he was gaining advice and medication from his GP and had been referred to mental health services. It appears that the investigation was being progressed in a timely manner and the steps taken by WMP were reasonable.

Based on the evidence available, there was no indication that any person serving with the police may have committed a criminal offence or behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings.

IOPC reference
