Man died after an attempt to take his own life during a police response – South Wales Police, October 2019

Published 04 Nov 2022

In October 2019, South Wales Police control room received a 999 call from a man stating he was on a railway bridge. He refused to share his exact location and stated he was going to take his own life.

Shortly after, a member of public called 999 to report a man sat on the wrong side of a bridge with a ligature around his neck.

Two police officers arrived at the scene approximately ten minutes later and found the man. Officers requested a negotiator as the man was refusing to return to the correct side of the railings. The man let go of the bridge in the presence of the two officers.

A third officer arrived with a bladed tool to cut the ligature. This caused the man to drop to the ground where officers proceeded to administer CPR. An ambulance attended and conveyed the man to hospital where he died.

The post-mortem concluded cause of death was a result of hypoxic brain damage, caused by hanging.

We reviewed body worn video footage, telephone call recordings and police records regarding the incident. We also obtained witness statements from the officers.

Our investigation concluded in June 2020.

We concluded there was no indication that a person serving with the police may have committed a criminal offence or behaved in a manner justifying the bringing of disciplinary proceedings. We were satisfied our investigation did not raise any performance issues and shared our findings with South Wales Police.

We waited for all associated proceedings to be finalised before publishing our findings. An inquest was held in October 2022 and reached the verdict of suicide - to which a failure to release the ligature sooner possibly contributed to the chance of survival.

We carefully considered whether there were any organisational learning opportunities arising from the investigation. We make learning recommendations to improve policing and public confidence in the police complaints system and to prevent a recurrence of similar incidents.

We identified an area of learning for the force to consider equipping all operational police vehicles with some form of implement that would be capable of cutting a ligature of a width greater than a few millimetres. We issued a learning recommendation to the force in May 2021. SWP accepted our recommendation and committed to issuing personal ligature cutters for all response officers and police community support officers.

We also issued the recommendation nationally.

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due


  • South Wales Police
  • Death and serious injury
  • Welfare and vulnerable people