Detention of a young man with Aspergers - Northamptonshire Police, November 2015

Published 19 Jun 2018

On 16 November 2015 a man made a complaint to Northamptonshire Police, who arrested his son – a young man with Asperger syndrome – and detained him in custody following an allegation of assault.

The man complained about how his son was treated, given his disability, and about the actions and inactions of Northamptonshire Police during the incident.

During the investigation, investigators interviewed the officers involved in the arrest and detention of the young man. Statements were obtained from witnesses and all relevant documentation was reviewed.

The nvestigator formed the opinion that there was insufficient evidence upon which a reasonable tribunal, properly directed, could find misconduct.

We identified some learning for the force around adding questions to their risk assessment form around disabilities and learning difficulties.

IOPC reference

  • Northamptonshire Police
  • Custody and detention
  • Welfare and vulnerable people